JPI a new organization dedicated to Jerusalem as humanity’s shared gift, advancing peace and justice.
We are pleased to announce the launching of the Jerusalem Peace Institute (JPI), a nonprofit, non-partisan organization, with its mission focused on Jerusalem as humanity’s shared gift governed by two peoples and cherished by three faiths, and as key for a just peace, through advocacy, programs, activities, interdisciplinary research, and publications. As humanity’s shared gift, Jerusalem must be inclusive, a requisite for charting a new beginning. Its status requires of all to think and act creatively, responsibly, and sensitively about its future so that it can be a source of peace and harmony between peoples and religions.
JPI emanates from our sincere love for Jerusalem and our deep concern about what has been and is transpiring in the Holy City. Dr. Saliba Sarsar, JPI Co-founder and President/CEO, commented, Jerusalem is essential for justice, peace, and equality, between Israelis and Palestinians and in our world. All its inhabitants deserve to live a dignified life, with the ability to freely pursue and develop their daily lives.
Other motivations that drive JPI’s work relate to our unshakeable conviction that Jerusalem must be shared equitably among its diverse ethnic and religious communities. As Rateb Rabie, Co-founder and Chair of the Board stated, It is time that we – Christians, Muslims, Jews; Arab, American, and other nationalities – combine our collective efforts to advocate for an inclusive Jerusalem. Various actors in the U.S. – the Administration, Congress, media, academia, think tanks, religious institutions, and ordinary citizens – and around the world should be mobilized in pursuit of this vital purpose.
JPI’s Board of Directors and International Advisory Board members are committed to JPI’s mission, vision, and goals. Representing a diverse group of respected community leaders – Jewish, Christian, and Muslim – and a variety of professional and vocational backgrounds – ambassadors, professors, clergy, journalists, businesspeople, and activists – they advocate for Jerusalem as shared gift and advance JPI’s efforts.
The JPI leadership extends a warm invitation to all of you to join our efforts to make Jerusalem the inspiration of a just peace for all. The JPI website is accessible at www.jerusalem-pi.org. We encourage you to sign up at the web to receive our news and invitations to events. For more information, please contact Rateb Rabie, at rrabie@jerusalem-pi.org, or Dr. Saliba Sarsar, at sarsars@jerusalem-pi.org
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